Maybe you're worth it
But I'm not wasting my time
Go on by

Mao! I'm on:

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Hi, I'm Cherylene.
Welcome to my unlocked thoughts.

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Square 1

Tuesday, January 4, 201112:44 AM

After talking to you for so long, I still feel like I'm back to square one. I really didn't mean to bring it up again. I was (and still am) emo about being perpetually broke, caged, and that nagging aimlessness that's wafting around me. And now I feel like some prick who keeps talking about unhappy issues. But since the topic came up I might as well..

And no, I don't have expectations. Hopes, yes, everyone has hopes. But expectations? No, hardly. I know where I stand. I may take initiative a lot of times and I may act like your indifference doesn't bother me, but I can sense the one-sidedness of all this, and I've pointed it out many times.

You're right, I should slow down.
But I only asked for a response because... because you were looking at me from the fence. And a fence-sitter is never welcome when I'm trying to decide whether to try or to give up.

And I think I should just let this go.
I miss you, but sometimes that just makes me feel awkward and pathetic.
I really like spending time with you, and listening/talking to you, but right now I don't know where to draw the line.

So where do I go from here?

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Heard your name on the radio

Wednesday, December 8, 20108:52 PM

I don't like to broadcast about things I'm insecure about. Granted when I'm really down, I'll bitch or whine to my closest friends, who know everything and the context of the things I'm saying. Context is important to me. If someone doesn't understand the context of what I feel like confiding, chances are I won't bother saying the long story. It's way too tiring.

But sometimes I don't even talk to anyone, especially when I'm really emo or insecure. Perhaps I'm afraid I'll be judged. Or maybe it's cos I just prefer to keep my thoughts to myself, so that they can't come back and haunt/hurt me.

Was just telling my friends that when I'm emo, I sleep.
When I'm stressed, I cry to release tension.
When I'm reaaaally angry, I cry livid tears.
When I'm upset, I get all quiet cos I'm thinking hard.
When I have something to say and I don't know how to say it? I bite my lips and try to drag the conversation.

And I don't know why I like to do things that only increase my insecurities. I always tell people, if you can't handle what you're gonna find, don't go digging. But alot of times I hardly don't follow my own advice, and I end up questioning my actions and others' integrities.

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Popping bottles in the ice like a blizzard

Monday, December 6, 20108:29 AM

BUTTER ON WED AGAIN, PLEASE!! It's been too long!
I was supposed to go for a job interview tomorrow, but LS scared the shit outta me. It's one of those seems-too-good-to-be-true-and-hence-may-be-a-sleazy-job offers.
I was frigging worried about Christmas this year. But oh god, if it works out, I'm all set to have a fantastic december yo!

Come, Wednesday, come! XXX

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Need me some flames

Thursday, November 25, 20101:34 AM

I neeeeed red hair, like I need some new injections into my physical appearance, because I'm superficial like that, and red hair gives me the illusion that I've really changed, because really, I think I've changed so much in the past few months, and it's time to step past stupid fake red reddish-brown hair (Liese sucks btw, though it's really fun to use) and into some blood red tresses.

Cos only when I have blood red tresses then my hair will match my ego. My huge ass flaming ego.
Wth am I saying? I think I'm high.

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Sunday, November 21, 201010:40 AM

Yes, I know my nose should be between my books.
Soci of food's in exactly 6 hours, out of which 2 will be dedicated to a nervous bus ride and the remaining 4 will be split as deemed fit, between a quick nap and 11239763 more readings.

Party somemore la, Cherylene, see la, now gan cheong spider.
You good, you damn good.

It's strange though, and I just wanted to note this before I forgot - and since my train of thought flits between tracks extremely often, a quick blog is probably the best idea.. and a necessary distraction from the evils of intense studying.

"In the past there was a code of formal behavior, probably most widely honoured by the middle classes for whom it acted as an exclusionary device, so that while the working class could not be prohibited from eating in smart restaurants, they could be dissuaded by being made to feel ill at ease."

- Eating Out and Theories of Consumption, Alan Warde & Lydia Martens, 2000.


You come across these snobs at the higher end stores in town, and even if you walk into the store with the full intention of making a purchase, you end up leaving the store because of the way the sales assistants look at you, so condescendingly. They turn up their noses; they gape at you as if you are barely clothed, or swathed in tattered rags. They keep their distance as if you smell like a sewer rat, but keep their eyes on you all the time as if you're about to snatch all their expensive bags and stuff them under your bra and make a run for it.

And with this surprising find in one of my notes I am feeling indignant. The essay mentions the underhand use of such snobbish behaviour to drive 'lower class' people away from 'higher class' restaurants. Makes you wonder though, if such "exclusionary devices" are being actively used by actual retail stores to drive 'unwanted' customers away.

Doesn't make sense, though, does it?
The most fundamental aspect of a business is to gain revenue and profits, and as much as possible - and to have more profits you need as many customers as you can get, repeat customers all the better. Why on earth do you want to drive customers away?? I think sales assts have a specific sales quota to hit, not a specific customer profile..

I wonder how much money these snobstores lose a year from lost sales, thanks to their excellent customer service and hospitality.

If anyone should tio hack by parang, its them can. -_-
Kua simi kua??

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My, my, how you've grown

Sunday, November 14, 20109:26 AM

Wow. I just looked through my old blog.

I must have been... insane.
Did I really sound so sunshine & daisies? Really??

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If I believed what I'd been told, every day

1:47 AM

Current fascination with yellow nails. Yum yum.
Shall paint me some rasta nails soon, jah.

Talking with the girls the other day had me thinking. She wants to change herself to find a man, and he wants to become someone else for a girl.

Become more 淑女, become more skanky, show more skin, show less skin, be more happy, blah blah blah.

So many attempt to be more 淑女. Thinking that the guy would really prefer that kind of demure demeanor. Perhaps so. Perhaps it's society's codes that make us think this way. Society - or rather, male society, who still hold power anyway; gender equality my foot - still dictates that the female should be subservient in a relationship. Any kind of relationship, working, friendship, romantic etc. Not overtly stated anymore, these rules, but they still exist.

In other words, we're still expected to be demure little girls. And honestly, I think we should be. But only to the right person. Only if you feel that he deserves your respect and attention. But not that we should change our entire personalities - what I'm saying is we should be loving to who we're with. You shouldn't act like a complete chor lor domineering bitch around your s.o., right?? -_-

And I don't know whether the fact that I believe that means I'm conforming to societal expectations. Damn.

The debate never really ends, does it? Why would you change yourself, change who you are, for someone else? Unless the process itself is natural, or done to avoid some catastrophic results, why do so many girls subscribe to the belief that they have to change themselves in order to be loved?

Shouldn't it be that to be loved, you have to love yourself first? And the first step to loving yourself is accepting yourself as you are, right.

Unfortunately, I think all of us have felt this way at least once in our lives, when dealing with people we've incredibly infatuated with. You think, I'll mold myself into someone else for this person, and we'll live happily ever after. But the truth is, if they can't accept you for who you are, and when you're at your worst, then why bother? Eventually they'll grow tired of the pretense. You'll grow tired of the pretense.

I guess it's pretty tempting to change yourself completely, physically, emotionally, or otherwise. And in some cases, perhaps this is the easier way out. Hide your flaws, hide your emotions, hide everything, and show them a porcelain mask that is a picture of beauty and class and elegance.

But nobody wants to love a cold, emotionless shell.. do they?

If I believed, if I believed what I'd been told, every day:
to say no grace, every night,
I couldn't stay here alone.

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Skin by Gabby. Icons from The Attraction. Inspiration from hasta_mañana. Edited by Lene.